3 to 4pm - Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confissôes
4:00pm (English - Vigil)
9:00am (Portuguese)
11:00am (English)
Weekdays in the Chapel of The Little Shepherds
Mon, Wed & Thurs - 8:30am (Portuguese)
Tues & Fri - 5:30pm (Portuguese)
First Friday of the Month - 8:30am (Portuguese)
First Saturday of the Month - 8:30am (Portuguese)
Eucharistic Adoration/Adoração ao Santíssimo Sacramento
Thursdays from 9am to 8pm
8:30am (Portuguese)
5:30pm (English)
Ash Wednesday
8:30am (Portuguese)
12:00pm (Bi-Lingual)
5:30pm (English)
Holy Week
Holy Thursday - 7:00pm (Bi-Lingual)
Good Friday
Stations of the Cross (Via Sacra) - 3:00pm (Bi-Lingual)
Passion of the Lord - 7:00pm (Bi-Lingual)
Holiday Masses - 8:30am in main Church
Martin Luther King Day
President's Day
Patriot's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veteran's Day
Thanksgiving Day
Eucharistic Vigil is held on the first Saturday of the month from 9:00am to 3:00pm at the Chapel of the Little Shepherds.
Stations of the Cross are celebrated every Friday during Lent in Church immediately following 5:30pm Mass.